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Title: Double spiral symbol

Technique: Mixed technique (charcoal, dry pastel and acrylic)

Support: Linen canvas

Format: 53 x 210 cm

Year: 2020


On this canvas multicolored birds are as if crossed by time ... At a time when many species are threatened with extinction, time is precious to preserve beauty!

Florence Laurent used the symbol of the spiral to make the viewer aware of the urgency.

Mixed media: charcoal, dry pastel and acrylic paint. A layer of protective varnish has been applied to protect the work. Fixings on the back allow this painting to be hung on the wall.


Like the movement produced by a helix, the spiral symbolizes both the movement and the continuity of states of existence, the progressive evolution of levels of consciousness or degrees of initiation acquired little by little ... Rotation and ascent, revolution and elevation, these are the movements that seem to animate the Universe.

The 2 spirals, one white, the other black, turn in opposite directions and recall the symbol of Yin and Yang. "In Chinese philosophy, these are the different components of a duality, which are at the same time, opposite and complementary.

© 2024 I FLO ARTIST l

FLORENCE LAURENT "Flight on the wings of imagination"


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